Car Side View Mirror Covers
Your should have all of these items (above) in your trunk for safe winter driving - plus your cell phone and a real spare tire!
Amazon Exterior Car Care Bestsellers
Repair That Windshield Chip!
That the automobile has practically reached the limit of its development is suggested by the fact that during the past year no improvements of a radical nature have been introduced. ~ Scientific American, 1909
Ever heard of “thermal shock”? Combined with your car’s interior warmth, the outside cold air creates a temperature stress that can turn a small “ding” into a major crack – and make your wallet a lot lighter.
Back to: Windshields/Wipers
* Repair That "Ding"
* Protect Your Windshield
* Replace Your Wipers
* Unfreezing Wipers (video)
* Frozen Wiper Fluid?
No matter how well you plan, stuff can happen when you're driving your car or truck in the winter's cold. Best to have these items in your trunk just in case that emergency crops up.
It's so bad being homeless in winter. They should buy a plane ticket and go somewhere hot like the Caribbean where they can eat free fish all day. ~ Lady Victoria Hervey